Thursday, August 4, 2011

Introducing a New SINdustry City Project: PDA Nation Call for Stories

We will be launching a project on August 7th, Be Body Positive Day in response to ABC's "The ReVolution" which will be coming out in January 2012 and which we believe co-opted last January's "ReVolutions not Resolutions" campaign.

We will be making the campaign until January, but we are hoping to have so good initial response to help get the project noticed. Please share with others.

There will be several ways to participate:

1. Create your own video and post it as a "response video" to the August 7 video on the PDA Nation channel on youtube.

2. Write your story in the comments under the post on August 7th video.

3. Send a video to us at and we will post it for you.

4. Place links to your blog in the comments section or send links to us where you have told your story.

5. Hit "like" or "favorite" on the August 7 video and any stories you like in the response videos or comments.

We welcome any other way to get the word out. We're tired of television reality shows and talk shows sending the message that we are not okay. It's time to send a different message. We are people and we are okay RIGHT NOW. No make-over necessary!

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