Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What ARE They DOING?

What ARE they DOING? from Pattie Thomas on Vimeo.

Carl Wilkerson and Pattie Thomas have been together for over 20 years, both as a couple and as cultural creatives, producing a number of different projects in multiple media. Over the years, they have grown tired of the boring cocktail party question, "And so, what do you do?" because, well, when you do what they do, that question does not lend itself to an easy answer. So this video is an attempt to answer that question. Longer than an elevator speech but way more entertaining!

Monday, May 7, 2012

New Beginnings -- Exciting Possibilities

We have moved. This was a rather sudden decision that we will not bore you with at this point, but we've found a place not that much more expensive than what we were paying at the old place and about 25 years newer and about a little over two times as large. In other words, Weezy, we're movin' on up!

What this means for SINdustry CITY is exciting. The new place provides us with a workspace that is way better than what we had. It is larger and more user-friendly. (And we aren't sleeping in the same place we work, LOL.)

We are stepping things up a bit this summer. We will be making some major announcements in June and July regarding future projects and if all works out, we may be turning SINdustry CITY into a viable micro-media company.

So stay, tuned!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Humber Throws Perfect Game

Philip Humber of the Chicago White Sox threw a perfect game today. And I wasn't there!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

NAB2012: Blackmagic, Film Quality, and the Small Producer

Contribution to the mass of video coverage of the 2012 NAB convention in Las Vegas from everyone's favorite (I would guess) year-round resident! Discussion centers around one of the consensus highlights of the convention, the 2.5K, $2995 cinema camcorder introduced by Blackmagic, albeit with the usual compulsive curmudgeonly critical thinking about how expensive everything is nowadays. Lots of nice shots of the convention and of Las Vegas as seen from the convention center.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Las Vegas: The Windy City

Just some shots of Vegas during a really windy day.

Friday, February 24, 2012

We're Not Trying To Set Up A Movie Theater In Here!

Fans of our little media venture might wonder if there is a technical standard to which we hold our video prod and equipment acquisition, one that shows some savvy about the subject but does not displace our conceptual base. Well, there is at least an asymptote, and the details are here:

Carl's Posterous Blog Entry With The Catchy Title Above

Saturday, February 11, 2012

BEARD! The Prostate Project

It has become popular in the United States for a man to grow a beard in November as a symbolic nod to the importance of prostate health. I made such an attempt in November of 2011, and I thought a photographic record of my progress might be instructive. These photos are presented in chronological order, with the first being taken on the first day of the month and the second-to last being taken on the last day of the month. The last one was taken in late December and was meant to display a different sort of symbolic impact.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We spent January putting together 31 videos of about a minute in length on average. The theme was 31 things to do instead of dieting. Naturally, we got pretty, um, creative. The videos are on our YouTube PDANation channel. The link to the channel is here: PDANation

Monday, February 6, 2012


This project started when Carl was examining the chromakey (and titling) in Corel VSP X4 to see if it was up to his lofty standards. It turned into a public service announcement for two health issues. He combined footage of him doing a spot for the issues with a shot from downtown Vegas. Maybe some day he'll do a series of these spots.