Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adieu, 12seconds.tv

I've been posting videos to 12seconds.tv for over six months now. It is not where Pattie and I are heading with our creative/media careers, but it has been a lovely stopover. The site administrators are pulling the plug this Friday, and I for one am sad to see it go.

Video aficionados who want to know where to go next for their Pattie-and-Carl video needs might try our Vimeo account:


Most of the content there is from 2002-2004, when we were living in Canada and shooting with a single Canon ZR40 [sic]. Thoughtful work nonetheless, I'd say, and not without scope and ambition. The footage from the Yukon and northern British Columbia in Free Way was beyond picturesque. The sociological bent in Cat's Eye is quite conscious of (and, indeed, addresses with delight) recent and promising methodologies in that field. And if the central principle of theater is that dying is easy but comedy hard, then the humor value of Lavelle and Ginny Visit Victoria, the two aureole-centric videos, and possibly the video for The Carl Wilkerson Fan Club Theme Song is at least preferable to dying.

1 comment:

CK said...

Hi Carl...just stopped by to have a quick read of your blog. I'll really miss 12seconds. I've had a lot of personal stuff go on the last year and as a result have been without a pc/net access since January up till a few weeks ago. I was really looking forward to catching up on 12 again so I'm really sad to see it go.