Carl Wilkerson, M.B.A. is a polymath in the quintessential meaning of that word. His skills and talents are diverse, including (but not limited to) mathematics, business analysis, sports analysis, musician, composer, lyricist, writer, actor, videographer, sound engineer,  radio host, video editor, director, producer, vodcaster and sexpert. He often collaborates with his wife, Dr. Pattie Thomas and his fur baby, Anawim. He as been caregiver to both as both suffer from disabilities. In the past four years he has also faced chronic illness, diagnosed with fibromyalgia. While overcoming challenges has not been easy, Wilkerson has managed to do so with grace and poise. His latest project is a collaboration with his wife to make a feature-length documentary, called User Friendly Vegas, about the barriers to mobility that still exist in Las Vegas, his current hometown.

The Carl Wilkerson Fan Club Theme Song from Pattie Thomas on Vimeo.
While in college at University of Chicago in the mid-80s, my husband wrote his own fan club theme song. The guys in his dorm sang the song and recorded it with Carl playing the bass guitar as accompaniment. It is a catchy song and lots of our friends have said it gets stuck in their heads for years to come, but no one seems to be able to remember the lyrics. So in the tradition of Mitch Miller, here's The Carl Wilkerson Fan Club Theme Song Video!

For more information about Carl Wilkerson, M.B.A., check out these links:

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